Make sure you load your coupons at P&G eSaver, Shortcuts, and Cellfire. You can combine manufacturer coupons with these coupons. They will automatically be deducted from your total at checkout. Keep in mind, the ecoupons DO NOT DOUBLE.
Tyson heat and eat meat: Original price: $5.00 Sale: $2.49
Use recent coupon: $.55/1
Total: $1.94
John Soules Food Fajita chicken strips: Original price: $4.99 Sale: $2.49
Use peelie on package: $1/2
Total: $1.99 each
Kroger deli pizza: Orignal price: $7.99 Sale: $3.99
use cellfire $1.50/1 coupon
Total: $2.49 (gives at least 8 slices)
Dole Distinctively Dole Salads: Original price: $3.99 Sale: $1.99
Use recent coupon: $.55/1
Total: $1.44 (these are fabulous, by the way!)
Fresh Express Salad: original price: $2.99
Use recent coupon: $1/1
Total: $.29
Laura's Lean Ground beef patties: $1.99
Total: $.99
Nestle Nesquick: $1.00
use recent coupon: $.50
Total: Free
Green Giant Frozen vegetables: $1.00 (buy 4)
shortcuts ecoupon: $.50/1
shortcuts ecoupon: .50/2
Total: Free with overage!
Nestle fun size candy bars bag: $2.00
Total: $1.00
Cottonelle Toilet paper 4pk.: .99
use cellfire ecoupon: .50/1
use shorcuts ecoupon: .50/1
Total: Free with $1.00 overage
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish: $1.00
use .50/1 cellfire coupon
Total: .50
Betty Crocker frosting: $1.50
use shortcuts ecoupon .55/1
use recent coupon: .50/1
Total: Free plus overage
Active Living oatmeal: $2.08
use free cellfire coupon
Total: Free
H2o Naturally Free water (buy 2)
use cellfire free coupon
use recent BOGO coupon
Total: 2 Free
There may be other deals at your store, but my Kroger didn't have all the $10/10 items that others said they found.
You are so lucky to find Laura's beef for such a great price. I prefer to buy that brand, but it is a bit expensive.
My trick is to wait until I know the "sell date" is going to expire that day. For example, the product I just bought had to be sold by 10/23/08 - so they were marked way down. I took them home and froze them so they will keep for some time. I bet you could find these deals, too!
I looked at thi post again and noticed your comment on cellfire. I love it! I plan to link this post to my blog. Thanks
One last thing. I decided to go ahead and put together a list of the cellfire coupons and all the ones you can add to them if you feel like checking it out. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Lizzy,
I keep hearing about Cellfire. Can you load coupons to your Dillons (Kroger) card without going through your cell phone? And can you sign up for Cellfire if you don't have internet access or texting on your phone? We blocked texting because we were getting unsolicited messages and having to pay for them. And my husband accidentally hooked up to the internet one day without realizing it and ouch! We blocked that too.
Thanks, Janet
I love distinctively dole salads too! The Itailian one is the best!!! I did not realize they were on sale! Thanks! So, have you used the coupons they send to your cell phone? There is one for Hollywood Video. Do you take your phone in and say "here"? Seems funny!
I believe you must have access to a cellphone to obtain these coupons. For me, they sent me a text message with a code to verify it was me. So, yes you do need the internet as well, but you could always use your local library. I have yet to acutally recieve any coupons on my cell phone. I haven't signed up for any other stores besides Kroger. Thanks for the comments and questions!
I'm new to the coupon blogging world, but am thrilled! Thanks to your post and Lorrie's, I was able to get 2 4 packs of Cottonelle and 2 Purex for $1.18! I was so excited and I plan on going back for more!
I read a post somewhere else where someone used their home phone number to sign up. The website said they were sending a text code to verify but she said they were able to log back in the next day. Now I haven't tried this myself but hey, worth a shot to see so I wouldn't give up without trying something.
It is possible to get cellfire coupons with a home phone. I have heard of several people doing it.
The problem I have been hearing about, and experienced myself, is that you can not use cellfire and shortcuts together. The register will only allow one or the other to go through.
Have you been able to get both to work at the same time?
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