I thought this was a great week at CVS. I got a lot of things I needed as well as some fun treats for myself!
Garnier Fructis styling mousse: $2.99
use $1/1 coupon from this Sunday's paper
ECB's earned: $2
Total: FREE!
Cottonelle 20pk. Toilet Paper: $12.97
use any recent coupons (I use a catalina for .75/1 from my Kroger)
ECB's earned: $4
Total: $8.23!
2 Ziploc freezer bag 2pks (4 total): $5.99
ECB's earned: $4 total
Total: .50 each
Nasogel nasal spray: $7.99 (limit 2 - be sure to do it twice to make twice as much!)
use $2/1 HERE
ECB's earned: $$7.99
Total: FREE with $2 overage! ($4 overage if you do it twice)
Children's throat cooler ice pops: $4.99 (buy 6 if you can)
use 3 BOGO coupons HERE
ECB's earned: $4.99 ($24.95 with a limit of 5)
Total: FREE, plus $9.98 overage!
Hershey's holiday kisses bags: $.75
use recent $1/1 coupon
Total: FREE with .25 overage!
Select Loreal Double extender mascara (75% off): $2.00
use this Sunday's $2/1 coupon
Total: FREE
Loreal single eye shadows BOGO: $4.49
use $3/1 from this Sunday's paper
use $1/1 from recent insert or this Sunday's $2/1 (will give overage)
Total: .49 for both or Free with .51 overage!
***There is all kinds of makeup and candy marked way down! You can find some great deals with your coupons. What were you able to find at your store?***
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