Sunday, November 16, 2008

CVS small buys, good moneymaker!

I didn't buy much this week - but I'm gearing up for next week! Here's my moneymaker this week:

L’Oreal Age Perfect Pro-Calcium Radiance Perfector Moisturizer - $15.99
use $1/1 coupon from recent insert
ECB's earned: $15.99
Total: FREE, with $1 overage

CVS cleansing cloths - $3.49 (trying to get my total up to $20)
use $3/1 from coupon that printed off my receipt (CRT)
Total: $.49

Advil Travel size - $.99 (still trying to get my total up to $20)
Use CVS $4/20 coupon

My total ended up being $.58 and I made $3 in the deal. Yeah! That large ECB will come in handy next week with my large transactions...can't wait!