I recently joined Psst...! It's a company that sends out coupons and offers in hopes that if you like the products you will tell others, who will tell other, who will tell others...you get the idea. So far, I received an email coupon for $1/4 Yoplait yogurt, $1.10/1 Progresso soup, and $1.25/1 Pillsbury Grands frozen cinnamon rolls. Today, in the mail, I received a coupon for a FREE bag of Pillsbury Grands frozen cinnamon rolls and 10 $1.25/1 coupons to give to friends. I really like this program because, not only do I get to try products for free (what's better than that?), but their coupons seem to usually be pretty high value as well. If you'd like to sign up yourself click here. I can't wait to see what the next offer will be!
If you'd like me to send you the coupons I've received so far email me and I'll send them to you! lizzylanguage@gmail.com
Amen sister! I received my coupons last week and was so very excited. I got a mess load of coupons in the mail from different companies on Saturday that I requested via email. (Boboli, Uncle Ben's rice, Celestial Teas, Starkist Tuna and Zatarains.
I love being able to tell others about special deals. I passed out the Macaroni Grill coupons we received a month ago. I wasn't too crazy about the pasta product but someone else might like it and enjoy the 1.25 off Q.
I love Psst and Vocalpoint... they ROCK!
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