Life is all about choices. I've been thinking a lot about this lately. The direction our lives go have so much to do with our choices and the choices of the people closest to us. Good choice = reward; Bad choice = consequence. At least that's what we try to teach our children (we do a little thumbs up; thumbs down routine - it's cute - you have to see it, I guess). Oh man, if it were only that simple, right? The problem is that as life gets more complicated so do our choices. Choices affect not only us, but the people we love, and ultimately our relationship with God. They affect not only the present moment, but our futures as well. Then there are always those times in our lives when we are questioning the choices we made, wondering what life might have been like if we'd made a different choice. Here's what I've come to understand about choices. God does have a best for us. He does have a plan and purpose, and we do have to choose this. In saying that, one wrong choice, however big it may be, does not keep God from doing something awesome in your life. Whether your choice ended with a baby, a divorce, or great pain for someone you love, it does not mean it's the end all for God's plan in your life. Don't get me wrong -- there will be consequences for sin, but God does not just leave you there to wander aimlessly just because you took a turn off of his "original" plan for your life. I can tell you from experience, that God can take the most incredibly painful situation and actually have you come to a place where you thank Him for allowing it to happen in your life. It may not happen for many, many years, but what was once a sharp detour off the path of God's will has somehow miraculously become God's best for your life. Here's the part to remember --- after a "bad" choice has been made there must be a "good" choice to follow it. The only way to experience God's best in your life is choose to walk back to the path God has for you -- it may look different than before, but it is still there, nonetheless. If you are someone suffering the consequences of someone else's "bad" choice, choose now to follow after God and His faithfulness. He will redeem your situation, but you must choose to follow Him rather than your own anger and bitterness. I am thankful for the paths God has taken me down -- pain and peace -- hurt and joy -- confusion and clarity -- my choice is Him, no matter what the crossroad, my choice is clear because He has been faithful time and time again. Whatever your choice has been in the past; choose Him now. He will redeem it all.
Even when following God, we can be derailed from His "best" when making bad choices. Nevertheless, because of grace -- what we are undeserving of -- blessing, protection, provision and more are still available for the journey.
God is all about second chances and if most would understand how committed He is to our success their surrender would be that much easier.
Thank you for this post. It is so true. Sometimes decisions seem clouded but waiting on the Lord makes all of the difference.
This was a great post, thank you -- right now I'm trying to deal with decisions that don't have a right/wrong but still carry huge weight for the future. It's hard -- I wish "God's way" could be clearer on that type of thing. =/
Choices...I want to choose blessing, but which road is that? Good post.
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