So I went to Walgreens today. Before you go in know this: there is an Easy Saver catalog in the front of the store. These are filled with IVC's (instant value coupons) that you only need to use one of no matter how many of the products you buy. These are store coupons so you can stack them with manufacture coupons. I have to say, it's been a while since I've had a coupon high like this! Walgreens is now on my radar. CVS better start coming up with some good deals or I may just switch my loyalties. Here's what I got
2 Coffee-mate creamers - $2.49 BOGO
use 2 $1.50/1 coupons HERE
Total: FREE with $.51 overage!
2 Garnier Fructis hair products (shampoo & conditioner): $2.99
use the IVC $2/1
use 2 $1/1 coupons from recent insert
Total: Both FREE!
2 Glade Scented Oil Lasting impression: $7.99
use $4/1 IVC
use $4/1 coupon from recent insert
use this BOGO coupon HERE
Total: FREE with $4.00 overage -- just buy this to make the money!
2 Glade Sense and Spray
use $4/1 IVC
use $4/1 coupon from recent insert
use this BOGO coupon HERE
Total: FREE with $4.00 overage!
**Rapid Rewards will print you off a $10 coupon for your next purchase at Walgreens (when you purchase $25 of Kimberley Clark products)** Here's the scenerio:
2 Huggies package of diapers: $10.00 ea.
1 Huggies package of wipes $6.00
use 3 $5/1 off from my side bar (you may only be able to print two, if you didn't print them earlier, in which case print the $3/1 coupon)
Total: $1 (if you subtract the $10 that you made!)
Grand Total: $3 + tax OOP, but you get $10 back so you make $7! Amazing!
Sweet! What a great deal. Thanks!
Thanks! That's great.
I have a question.
Three coupons from Hggies has the same UPC codes. Will Walgreens allow us use three coupons in one transaction? One the coupon, it says Limit on coupne per cpurchase.
I had no problem using more than one Huggies coupon in one transaction.
I was so diappointed that the coupons are only good for sizes newborn to 2. My son needs 4's now so my deal this week won't be quite as sweet. Dang it! And after seeing all the previews this weekend I was so excited to get really, really cheap or free diapers!
Since getting familiar with Walgreens and CVS deals, I have found that Walgreens is more favorable.
Great job, and thanks for sharing this week’s deals.
The BOGO coupon is no longer available, but it’s still free product!
Just an FYI. The Walgreens I went to was out of Natural Fit size 4's and the manager let me use the $5(gentle care) coupons on 3 packs of snug and dry diapers. Which meant I got 4 additional diapers/pack and an extra $2 off/pack than I was planning. It never hurts to ask:)
About the coffeemate coupon....can you only print it twice per computer or does it ever get reset? Does anyone know? I printed it awhile back and it has yet to let me print it again.... would love some free creamer at Walgreens this week!
Ooh... I've always been a CVS girl too... keep me posted on your Walgreens adventures -- you might just win me over...
I scored at Walgreens this morning!
Bonus: Glade Sense and Spray comes with coupons inside. Sweet!
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