Over the Thanksgiving holiday my sister and I trained about 10 of our female family members on the CVS game. It was hilarious! I think we may have created some monsters. I thought I would create a post as a tribute and help to them - hopefully you are reading. Here's some pointers:
OOP: out of pocket
WYB: when you buy
ECB: extra care buck
CRT: coupon from receipt
$/$$: $4 off of 20; $5 off of 25, etc.
BOGO: buy one get one
MQ: manufacture coupon
RP: Red Plum (coupon insert in Sunday Paper)
SS: Smart Source (coupon insert in Sunday Paper)
PG: Proctor & Gamble (coupon insert in Sunday Paper on the 1st Sunday of the month)
Remember:There are very few deals for the next couple of weeks because of the Black Friday deals. Also, you will actually make money if you use coupons with the items at CVS that give you ECB's. This is crucial! Along with weekly ECB deals there are monthly ones as well that are usually a limit of 5. Here are the best December deals:
Rolaids Soft Chews 12-42 ct. or 3 Roll Pk 2.19-2.99 (varies)
use $1/1 from recent coupon inserts (to my students: you won't have these yet, but this is still a pretty good deal)
ECB's earned: $2
Total: FREE, plus overage!
Pro Max Bars Buy 3 (3/$5)
use $1/1 from recent coupon insert
ECB's earned:$5
Total: FREE, plus $3 overage (if you have three coupons)
Complete Eye Solution $8.99 Earn 8.99 ECBs (limit 1)
ECB's earned: $8.99
Total: Free, plus $2 overage!
Better days are ahead, I promise! Have fun, and don't lose the passion!
Aunt Joy and I want to thank you for your help. I have been to CVS multiple times since Thanksgiving and we have saved money using the teaching you gave Joy. God Bless you and your family. We hope to see you again soon.
Uncle Rickey
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