Since I started couponing, I've become a whole new person. I been brought to things I never thought possible for myself. I've always been a passionate person (some would say mouthy; I prefer passionate), and I believe that's only been intensified since beginning this new lifestyle. Here are a few of my favorite couponing moments of 2008:
1. Standing in line dumping 5 boxes of Dove ice cream bars into Kroger bags so that I could retrieve the coupons from within the box.
2. Buying 25 Starbucks candy bars from Target (which gave me $14 in overage), only to be reprimanded by another woman who emailed me and said "while I have no doubt you'll eat all those candy bars, save some for the other frugal moms next time."
3. Going to CVS at midnight to get ECB deals and having to race another couple to the Benefiber, only to loose because of a squeaky-wheeled grocery cart.
4. Actually screaming with my sister when the CVS coupon scanner printed out a $4/20 for the first time.
5. The day I realized the CVS employees actually knew my name.
6. Threatening Omaha Steaks that I would never buy there product again if they didn't give me the free hamburgers I ordered (as if I would pay for it anyway).
7. Sitting on the computer at 11pm helping 7 people at once try and get their free Christopher and Banks shirts, realizing that "no I do NOT get paid for this!"
8. My sister and I printing and using all of the Vryl Mkt. coupons, getting $200 worth of products for free, only to find out they were all illegal! (we were new to this and totally innocent)
9. Hiding behind a Christmas display in CVS when the non-ECBers were becoming aggressive towards the ECBers.
10. Giving a CVS training seminar to my entire family in a hotel lobby, only to have the hotel clerk sit in and start taking notes!
How about you? I would love to hear about some of your favorite couponing moments. I need a good laugh.
i need to read the archives of your blog! i can't wait to learn! :)
Wow, this is wonderful. I've had a couple of things like that happen to me. Some of them more frustrating than others ;)
I'm a night-owl, so going to CVS is totally practical for me. I never thought I'd get up at 6 AM to go to Kmart, though!!
Using my $2 Goody coupons every time I go to Walmart, and this has been for the last 2 months, for almost free hair bands. Luckily, I had a lot of Christmas baskets to make and used up a lot of the packs in them, who knew that I would stockpile hair bands?
I never thought I would stalk my local Target to get Glade scented candle holders... but I did four times a week for two months! I did score enough to give one to each of my Teaching Assistants and the entire kitchen staff at my school...
I would have to say mine would be going to CVS at ODD hours, and being way too excited about their after Thanksgiving & before Christmas sale & then having to help most of my family get their free prints from snapfish :)
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